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¡Ahora ofrecemos atención de ortodoncia completa en nuestro local Sandy!

Conozca al Dr. Kunkel, ortodoncista
Como ortodoncista altamente capacitado, al Dr. Kunkel le encanta poder trabajar con niños, adolescentes y adultos para ayudarlos a tener las hermosas sonrisas que se merecen. ¡Visite nuestra ubicación de ortodoncia Sandy para trabajar con uno de los ortodoncistas mejor calificados en Utah!


As businesses across the nation shut down, you may be wondering about your upcoming dentist appointment. The ADA has issued the following statement regarding the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic:

“In order for dentistry to do its part to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the ADA recommends dentists nationwide postpone elective procedures for the next three weeks. Concentrating on emergency dental care will allow us to care for our emergency patients and alleviate the burden that dental emergencies would place on hospital emergency departments.”

In light of this recommendation, most dental offices across the nation are now cancelling all non-essential appointments. Abundant Dental has followed suit in order to support the ADA and do our best in halting the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. We apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused to our patients. Our office is still open for emergencies, however, so if you are searching for an “emergency dentist near me“, we have you covered.

In addition to closing our office to non-essential appointments, we have adopted the following heightened sanitation and health monitoring practices:

  • We follow strict handwashing and glove usage policies in accordance with OSHA compliance standards. Additionally, we have increased cleaning and sanitation measures on all high touch surfaces.
  • Staff are being monitored daily for symptoms and fever.
  • Patients are also being monitored for symptoms and we ask all patients that are sick to stay home.

The well-being of our patients is our forest and foremost concern. As this situation unfolds, the entire staff of Abundant Dental promises to protect our community the best we possibly can. We wish you a healthy time ahead and hope to see you again once our offices reopen to all dental procedures.

Por favor vea nuestro aviso completo para obtener más información sobre cómo lo mantenemos seguro y saludable durante el brote de COVID-19.

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Descubra cómo podemos mejorar su sonrisa en tres sencillos pasos

¿Aún tienes curiosidad por saber cómo podemos mejorar tu sonrisa?

Obtenga respuestas a todas sus preguntas GRATIS en 3 sencillos pasos sin salir de casa.


Sube una selfie de sonrisa


Cuéntanos qué esperas lograr


Obtenga un vídeo de consulta personalizado de su dentista

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La diferencia en el cuidado dental del Abundant

Visítenos para experimentar cómo se brinda atención dental de primer nivel y descubra por qué los pacientes cambian a Abundant todos los días. Nuestros servicios incluyen:

Emergencia Dental Odontología general Odontología Infantil Odontología cosmetica Endodoncias Muelas del juicio Ortodoncia Cirugía Oral Odontología con sedación Extracciones Coronas Dentales Y muchos más


After we've addressed your immediate needs, our friendly and knowledgeable staff will assist you with preventative care and answer all of your questions regarding your oral health. Abundant Dental Care is a 24 hour & after-hours emergency dentist so if you need immediate help or additional information, please contact our Utah dental office now at 801-335-5295

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