Unfortunately bad breath is more common than you think. At Abundant Dental Care we empathize with patients that come to us with concerns about bad breath, or halitosis in dentist lingo. We understand that this is an issue that can negatively affect important interactions like talking with a boss or making a first impression on a date. We also know that the primary cause of bad breath is poor dental hygiene, such as not teeth cleaning as often as you should. Even if you believe that your dental hygiene is adequate, there are always ways in which you can improve your oral health. The following details some of the most useful tips when battling against halitosis.
Make Sure You’re Flossing Properly
One of the best ways to keep your breath fresh is by flossing properly, as it’s easy to floss incorrectly. Flossing properly will allow you to get rid of the food and bacteria that’s built up in your teeth, while doing so incorrectly can actually make your breath worse. When flossing, make sure that you take the floss up and down along the side of the tooth as opposed to moving the piece of floss in a sawing motion. If you’re still unsure of whether or not you’re flossing correctly, consider scheduling an appointment with a friendly Abundant Dental Care hygienist.
Drink the Right Beverages
If you’re having difficulties with keeping your breath smelling fresh, make sure that you’re drinking the right beverages. Water is essential, so make sure you’re sipping on a glass or bottle of water throughout the day, as too little saliva in the mouth can add to your bad breath. You’ll also want to avoid drinks with a large amount of sugar in them, such as a variety of juices and soda. If you drink a large amount of water and continue to suffer from halitosis, this could be the sign that something else is wrong.
Brush At Least Twice Daily
Brushing your teeth at least twice each day is one of the only ways to remove the buildup of plaque and food inside your mouth that can cause issues with how your breath smells. Most people choose to brush once in the morning and once before going to bed at night, although you can also choose to brush after each meal to ensure that your teeth are healthy and that your breath continues to smell good.
Avoid Tobacco
If you smoke or chew tobacco on a regular basis, there’s a good chance that you frequently notice your breath is bad. The reason that tobacco tends to cause issues with breath is because it dries out the mouth and usually leaves a bad smell that lingers for quite some time. In many cases, this bad smell will continue to be present even after you brush your teeth, which is why it’s recommended that you stop smoking or chewing tobacco altogether. Abundant Dental can actually work with you and your Primary Care Provider to help you kick the habit.
Select Sugarless Gum
As touched upon previously, sugar can cause your breath to quickly sour and smell bad, which is why you’re going to want to switch to sugarless gum if you tend to chew a large amount of it. The same holds true for mints. Even if the gum is advertised as a way to make your breath fresher, it can actually do the opposite if it consists of a lot of sugar. Sugar can cause the growth of bacteria that eventually leads to breath that smells bad. Sugarless gum can also help you develop saliva, which assists in the eradication of poor breath.
Don’t Forget to Visit Your Dentist Regularly
Lastly, it’s important that you visit your Abundant Dental Care dentist on a regular basis. While many people avoid visiting the dentist for any number of reasons, it’s essential that you go at least twice each year. You’ll be able to catch dental health issues before they occur and can inquire about ways to correct your poor breath issues in the event that they don’t dissipate when you use the tips mentioned previously.
If you would like to learn more about proper dental hygiene, teeth cleaning, and how to keep your breath smelling good, contact us today at Abundant Dental Care to schedule an appointment.