Tooth Extraction: Five Tips to Help You Heal

It’s something that happens to most of us and dreaded by nearly everyone: tooth extractions. There are several reasons why you may end up needing one. Decay caused by cavities, periodontal (gum) disease, or wisdom teeth removal are among the top reasons why dentists perform extractions on their patients. No matter what the reason for your tooth extraction, one fact remains the same: now, you have to heal.

At Abundant Dental Care , we will do everything possible to make you as comfortable during the procedure and during your healing process. If you follow these steps and listen carefully to your dentist’s aftercare instructions, the healing process may be quicker and more comfortable. Here are five tips to help you heal after a tooth extraction.

1. Get Your Rest

Getting one of your “pearly whites” pulled can be hard on your physical and mental state. It not only hurts, but because the area is closely connected to your sinuses, the pain may even occur in your head, resulting in headaches. That is why it is important to rest as much as possible after your tooth extraction. If you can, plan your extraction at a time where you don’t have to immediately return to your normal, day-to-day responsibilities.

2. Be Cautious of Your Diet

Diet is one of the most important factors when healing from a tooth extraction. Even if you feel like you can handle solid foods, it is best to avoid them as chewing hard, crunchy foods are likely to open the wound and restart the bleeding. Try sticking with nourishing, soft foods like applesauce, oatmeal, soup, or smoothies. Use a spoon instead of straws when eating.

3. Let It Heal

You may find yourself uncomfortable during the first few days after your extraction. After 48 hours you may continue to have some swelling, but the pain should begin to subside. Be patient with the healing process, being cautious of what you eat and being careful not to suck through a straw. You may find it difficult to not let your tongue (and curiosity) poke around the newly created gap in your mouth, but try your best to avoid the area, as you may provoke more bleeding or lead to dry socket.

4. How to Handle Pain

Depending on the severity of your tooth extraction, you may experience more or less pain. You should follow your dentist’s instructions carefully, especially when handling prescription pain medication. Avoid aspirin or other blood thinners as they can delay the clot, thereby preventing your extraction from healing. Holding an ice pack on the side of your face where the extraction took place can also help reduce swelling and alleviate pain after your extraction.

5. Listen to Your Dentist

Regardless of what is advised in the above-mentioned tips, it is important to carefully follow all the instructions your dentist provides you before and after your tooth extraction. If you need to, bring someone you trust who can help you follow up on the doctor’s orders. As with anything, contact your dentist if you have any issues or concerns after your tooth extraction.

Tooth extractions are can sometimes be a necessary procedure for dentists to perform. The healing process can be quite uncomfortable but following these steps along with your dentist’s instructions can help to make the process be more comfortable and help you heal much more quickly.

If you’ve been told that you need a tooth extraction and would like a second opinion, or if you are looking for a new dentist in the Murray, Sugar House, Riverton, or Sandy, Utah areas, contact Abundant Dental today.